Essence Healing

You are frequently immersed in the presence of natural essences, as they permeate the energetic qualities of fresh flowers, plants, crystals, and sacred locales. Some individuals may already possess an awareness of these energies, sensing them keenly, while others might not be as attuned. Regardless of your sensitivity to these subtle forces, they have the potential to aid in restoring your equilibrium and fostering inner harmony.

Essence healing captures the essence of these delicate energies within spring water, making them accessible for client use. Typically, a few drops of flower essence are blended with a glass of fresh water and ingested. Additionally, I craft Air sprays by blending essences with essential oils.

These essences harmoniously complement other therapeutic methods and do not interfere with or replace medical treatments. Likewise, they can yield significant outcomes when used independently.

Cancer Research UK include Essence Therapy in their complementary and alternative therapies – Some people with cancer say that essences help them to feel better mentally, emotionally or spiritually. This might help them to feel better physically too. Others claim that flower remedies can help to boost your immune system. There is no scientific evidence to prove this. But many people say that flower remedies help relieve fear, anxiety or depression.

A personal consultation allows a specific or combination of vibrational essences to be recommended. Generally, consultations are made by phone or zoom, but face to face consultations are available in Minehead. 


Air Sprays

The Air Spray special ingredients work on many levels. The scent is detected by our olfactory system which is the only one of our five senses to have a direct link to our limbic system, which is a part of the brain that influences how we process memories, feelings, moods and emotions. The olfactory system has an immediate effect upon our feelings and also has a strong energetic effect upon the environment.

The flower/vibrational essences affect the body’s energetic system directly and also have a strong effect upon the environment, both physically and energetic. The combination of the scent and essence produce a whole-body experience.

BAFEP logo hiRes

Registered with the British Association of Flower Essence Producers

Chalice Well Flower and Vibrational Essences Advanced Practitioner.

Air Spray 60ml bottle £20.00 including P&P to mainland UK.  Please contact me,

Space Purification & Clearing – Air Spray
Ideal for clearing heavy and unwanted energies and producing a clear and bright space. This has successfully been used for preparing a space for mediation and spiritual practice. Also, for clearing and refreshing a space in-between counselling sessions. Some users have reported this spray has helped with personal grounding.

Traditionally, cleansing and purifying a space used smoke from burning incense or herbs. However, this is not appropriate in rooms with smoke detectors, inside cars and tents etc. (Includes essences of Earth Energy, Lilac, Black Tourmaline crystal and essential oil of sustainably wild harvested White Sage)

Safe & Sound – Air Spray
This is a very calming spray and produces a sense of safety, love and wellbeing. It is ideal for stressful situations and calming people suffering from shock or trauma. It has been reported to help to calm the fear of nightmares, quarrying between teenagers and travel nervous.  (Includes essences of Primrose, Rose, Andalusite crystal, and essential oils of ethical harvested Rose).

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Geopathic Stress

Geopathic stress encompasses the collective term for Earth’s energies that give rise to discomfort and compromised well-being, often referred to as unfavourable energies.

Persistent exposure to geopathic stress, whether while sleeping, residing, or working, can contribute to emotional and physical challenges. Such circumstances can lead to emotional and physical problems. A comprehensive geopathic stress assessment examines your property for various potential energy-related issues, including the presence of water lines, Curry and Hartmann lines, Black lines, energy drains, and more (refer to the sample report for complete details). Symptoms of geopathic stress may manifest as persistent fatigue within the premises, recurring item losses, clutter accumulation, cold spots, sleep disturbances, and general unease, particularly in specific rooms.

Remote consultations are priced at £120.00. On-site consultations are available upon request. Please inquire for pricing details.