Jim Brant

Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council registered practitioner.


Crystals of this land: A Shamanic Healing Workshop 

Further details

8 going  4 spaces  

Jim, a seasoned healer and educator who is dedicated to guiding individuals towards rediscovering their intrinsic joy for life and aligning with their soul’s purpose. With a rich history spanning decades, Jim embarked on his healing journey in the late 1980s under the guidance of various shamanic mentors from the UK and across the globe. He is the visionary behind Shamanic Healers Circle, a respected community of shamanic healers.

Jim’s expertise extends beyond shamanic healing, encompassing advanced vibrational and flower essence craftsmanship, aromatherapy, and CNHC registration. He embraces an animistic philosophy, nurturing enduring connections with all forms of existence, including the diverse realm of non-human entities. Jim’s approach emphasises ethical and cultural reverence, fostering meaningful relationships within the broader tapestry of life.

Healing booking form below

What to anticipate.

The approach I adopt places a strong emphasis on cultivating secure and respectful connections with one another, the spirit realm, and all forms of existence. I work in harmony with the principles of reverence for the Earth and mindfulness from the heart. This approach is characterised by a pace and depth of work that aligns with your comfort level, facilitating enduring and transformative change. Both the healing and training processes are collaborative endeavours, and my aim is to assist clients in discovering their core, their purpose, and their authentic self.

During the initial session, we delve into your journey towards well-being. We assess your present state and determine the necessary steps to guide you back to your vibrant centre. With this blueprint for health in place, we commence the initial healing work. While some clients find a single session sufficient, most benefit from two or three sessions.

The healing process engages you as an active participant and extends holistically beyond the sessions. Although many clients opt for remote healing, which allows you to relax in the comfort of your home while receiving healing energy, in-person sessions are also available.

Within the healing process, I may recommend personalised flower or essence remedies to cater specifically to your requirements. These essences play a crucial role in aiding your healing journey, offering valuable support during the transitional phases between sessions.

You can choose either individual healing sessions or opt for a more inclusive healing journey, consisting of sets of three sessions.  Healing sessions last 1 hour. 

Shamanic Practitioner supervision, spaces available.

Animal healing.  Generally remote healing but site visits are also available and usually one session is all that is needed.  Remote animal healing is £40 per session. 


Email: info@jimbrant.com   

Shamanic Healer Training details here


I’m already seeing another therapist (Reiki, EFT, Neuropath etc.) 

Shamanic healing is easily integrated with any of your other health modalities, whether allopathic or holistic.  It is helpful to allow time between different modalities, so your healing journey is clear. Energy healing in general have been shown to improve recovery times for surgery, major illnesses and help reduce stress.

I just want to talk through something that’s happening in my life.

This can be a good approach.  Sometimes friends and family don’t have the experience or understanding of the wider world that can include strange sounds and visual images.  Words alone can be very healing. I may include some energy or breath work, if appropriate, however the session is directed by you. 

Do you see the future?

I do not do fortune-telling.  You may receive activities to do following a healing session, but not fortune-telling.

How can I prepare for a session.

Take some time to have a clear idea of the things you would like to address. Also avoid stimulants, alcohol and other intoxicants for about a day or two before the session 

Does remote healing work?

Yes. 90% of my animal healing is remote healing and this definitely works.  For people, remote healing is a perfect choice because you are in the comfort of your own home, feel safe and relaxed.  Also, the healing as a sacred ceremony is operating outside of time, and space and at the level of the field. There are lots of experiments demonstrating the efficacy of field effects such as distance healing.

How many sessions do I need to book?

One session is often enough to have a dramatic impact on your life. However, generally I would recommend 3 sessions as I find this to be really effective and provides companionship on your healing journey to your full potential.  Soul retrieval requires 3 sessions.

Examples of past healings.

  • Person – crystal healing 
  • Dog – soul retrieval
  • Person – soul retrieval
  • Person – Healing and rebalancing energies
  • Person – soul retrieval
  • Dog – healing and balancing
  • Person – cleared detrimental energies and repaired etheric tear.
  • Person – Balanced energy centres
  • Person – cleared attachments and repaired Auric field 
  • Person – cleared energy fields of blocks and balanced chakras
  • Person – removed detrimental energies, releasing natural flow of energy
  • Plant spirit essence – produced for personal prescription 
  • House clearing – removed disruptive spirit
  • Horse – healing removed detrimental energies
  • Horse – healing working with near death horse who had given up hope
  • Person – living with low energy and not being able to get into her flow for life
  • Person – removed entities from energy field, smoothed and energised her luminous field
  • Horse – healing removed heavy emotional burden
  • Land – clearing for geopathic stress causing restless sleep in house
  • Shamanic counselling – supported client to find answer/information about a problem and move forward

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